Raise the metalfist616

Hallo, dies ist mein Blog, in dem ich Euch erzählen will, was in meinem Kopf abgeht. Es ist meine Meinung. Meine Meinung beruht auf Argumentation.

Der Titel ist eine Anspielung auf die Wahrnehmung innerhalb der Gesellschaft! Als im Mittelalter die kath. Kirche das Sagen und alle Regierungsmacht hatte, da wurde jeder hingerichtet, der etwas anderes behauptet hat! Es ist also nicht aus meiner Sicht, denn ich WEISS ja, dass es nicht so ist, sondern es ist aus Sicht der naiven breiten Masse von damals.

Heutzutage sind die Menschen immernoch genauso verblendet wie damals, nur auf anderen Sachgebieten. Zum Beispiel gibt es Leute, die glauben dass ein Flugzeug durch eine Stahlrohrfassade eines Hochhauses fliegen kann, ohne dass dieses Flugzeug sich verformt oder etwas davon abfällt, weil es im Fernsehen so gezeigt wird. Immer wieder, einmal im Jahr.

Darum sage ich Euch meine Meinung. Darum gibt es diesen Blog. Und darum habe ich so eine "kranke" Weltanschauung.

Viel Spass beim lesen wünscht Euch

Mart-Kos aka metalfist616
Dford, 21. Feb. 2010

Samstag, 11. September 2010

Freitag, 10. September 2010

Mord ist IHR Hobby

die rede ist von der Armee

oder heute mal auf die us-armee beschränkt. eine brutale nachricht kommt von kopp news:

krass, oder?

die haben die FINGER der opfer als TROPHÄE behalten?! wie geistesgestört kann ein mensch nur werden? und wie gewissenlos und brutal?!

schlimm genug, dass der krieg ohnehin schon illegal ist...

Dienstag, 7. September 2010

Zu faul zum übersetzen

Dear friends!

I would like to inform you that my 9/11thology movie dealing with the WTC nuclear demolition was prohibited on YouTube allegedly based on some bogus copyright claims (so you could easily guess the true reasons behind this prohibition). Therefore I can no longer post this video on my own YouTube account ('911thology') without fear of losing this YouTube account.

Therefore I would like to inform you that this video of mine (and many other interesting videos and other materials) are available for download from this web site: www.dimitri-khalezov-video.com as well as from here: www.911-truth.net (on the later one you can see all download links, but no description of the files).
Thanks to one nice American guy now this video is available not only in a form of 26 separate video files as it used to be before, but also in a form of a complete DVD ISO image out which you can easily burn a 'conventional' video-DVD that is playable on any home DVD-player attached to a TV-set (thus this video no longer depends on a computer). However, all 26 separate files of my video presentation are still available for separate downloads in either DVD-quality (wmv files) or in compact quality (mp4 files). In addition to these, an optional video file showing how the Soviets used a 47 kiloton underground nuclear explosion to stop a gas leak in the late '60s is included in the set now. This video is very illustrative and it shows all visible effects of such an underground nuclear explosion on the Earth's surface -- as such it removes many questions and doubts of skeptics in regard to the WTC nuclear demolition which seems hard to imagine for some people.

Yet, more files now are available for download. Especially interesting are recently discovered high-quality photos of huge underground cavities covered with molten rock under the WTC (that effectively debunk a 'mini-nukes theory' and prove the yield of the nukes was well over 100 kilotons), and two recently discovered contemporary 9/11 news where it is openly stated that the US National Air Guard's F-16 jet fighter shot down the 4th passenger aircraft (presumably Flight 93) that was allegedly heading towards another important target and therefore had to be 'dealt with'. One of this news belongs to FOX news (in English) and the other one -- to NTV (in Russian). Both of these unprecedented videos are available for download from the abovementioned web sites www.dimitri-khalezov-video.com and www.911-truth.net
You can view these videos regarding the Flight 93 shooting down on YouTube as well. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMrF1caOmOw (FOX news) and here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LCcCfmCRTM (Russian NTV news)
Now I opened a new YouTube channel named 'DimitriKhalezov' and a few unique 9/11 videos are posted there. I posted 10 various contemporary news clips that clearly show there were no planes (most of them witnesses' testimonies), as well as several other interesting unique 9/11 videos. All of them could be found here:


More interesting videos will be added there soon.

To make the 9/11thology ('WTC nuclear demolition') 26-parts video presentation available on YouTube, it was decided to re-name it (to avoid its quick detection by searching for keywords) and to place it into a new YouTube channel that is not connected to me in either sense. If you want to view (or recommend others to view) that former video presentation of mine, you can find all 26 parts of it here: http://www.youtube.com/user/911kerosene?feature=mhum#g/u
Please, don't publish any links to the above '911kerosene' channel or any comments pointing to it in any of the YouTube channels that belong to me personally, otherwise the so-called 'good guys' will quickly detect and remove these videos (now they are not easily traceable since no key-words such as my name or 'nuclear demolition' are used in their description).

In addition to all of these, you can now download for free a 120-page (120 A4 pages) edition of my book in an e-Book format. Download links could be found here as well: www.dimitri-khalezov-video.com and www.911-truth.net
In any case you are encouraged to promote these videos to the best of your abilities. People must know the truth. If you have any chance, please, download the video-presentation from the abovementioned sites, or download the entire DVD-image, record the DVDs (empty recordable DVDs are cheap now...), and send them to your friends, acquaintances, relatives, or to anyone you can. Urge them to make more copies and to send them to even more people. It is a good idea to send these videos to rank-and-file members of 9/11 Truth movement (who are being cheated by their shameless leaders), to members of the US Government/Senate/Congress/etc, to people/companies who rent offices around 'ground zero' or in the Sears Tower, to people who suffered from 'asbestos dust' after working at 'ground zero', and to potentially active people who might promote the truth further. With the right approach in only a couple of month the number of people who learned the truth would rich a 'critical mass' and the truth can no longer be stopped and it will continue to spread further automatically.
It is especially important to do it now, since the 9/11 anniversary is approaching and this will definitely caused an increased public interested to the 9/11 issue. However, even after September the 11th it won't be too late either. Please, help to spread the Truth.

Feel free to contact me for any offer of cooperation/support. In fact your support is even requested. I badly need some support. My contact details could always be found on my new YouTube channel or on my web sites www.dkhalezov.com or www.911thology.com

Sincerely yours,
Dimitri A. Khalezov.